Thursday, 29 September 2016

Shooting Star - Khan Academy

Tuesday, 27 September 2016

Parting Clouds - Khan Academy

Monday, 26 September 2016

Exploding Sun - Khan Academy

Funky Frog - Khan Academy

Bucktooth Bunny - Khan Academy

Friday, 23 September 2016

What's for dinner - Khan Academy

Sunny Snowy Day - Khan Academy

Waving Snowman - Khan Academy
Simple Snowman - Khan Academy

Friday Post September 23  -

What did you do this week?

  • This week I am currently working on this website:
  •  I have done the simple snowman, the waving snowman, sunny snowy day, and I just finished the what's for dinner.

What have you learnt?

  • You can draw a circle by coding (find the x, y, w, h). For example: ellipse(200,192,100,100);
  • You can draw other items by looking/reading the 'Documentation' and if that doesn't help you could click on the shape you want and they give an example for the shape for you.

  • I'm not quite at that part yet but you could capture your animated gif by using 'Chrome Capture'.

What was your first impression of Coding and how was it changed?

  • My first impression was hard and why would I want to code? Then it changed when I watched the video of how to code and why people code. So, now I know why people code and I know how to code a bit. Which is good I think...It's also pretty fun.

Tuesday, 20 September 2016

Monday, 19 September 2016

Friday Post - Sept 16 2016 - Jenny Ly

What did you do this week?

Creating A Blog 

I learned how to create a blog. By creating a blog you have to have an address for your blog so others can find you or look at your blog. It was difficult as first but then when I actually got the hang of it I understood what to do.

Creating A Pivot

I also learned how to create a pivot which I find very helpful. I'm almost done my pivot but it's pretty simple how to make these animation.

What did you learn?

Blog Tips

I learned how to make avatars, banners, code the background, and add links to my blogs. I also learned how to upload blogs and how to use blog.

Pivot Tips

I learned how to save images to a file, move more then one figure, load backgrounds, and load images.

What Is Your Opinion?

Pivot is for creating an animation. It's good for projects, assignments, or something you want to do for fun. I would definitely recommend it for someone else to use it would be really helpful to anyone in my opinion.  

Wednesday, 14 September 2016

Screenshot Project

What I Want To Learn In IT

I want to learn how to download things such as mods or spotify: 
Link: ://