Friday Post September 23 -
What did you do this week?
- This week I am currently working on this website:
- I have done the simple snowman, the waving snowman, sunny snowy day, and I just finished the what's for dinner.
What have you learnt?
- You can draw a circle by coding (find the x, y, w, h). For example: ellipse(200,192,100,100);
- You can draw other items by looking/reading the 'Documentation' and if that doesn't help you could click on the shape you want and they give an example for the shape for you.
- I'm not quite at that part yet but you could capture your animated gif by using 'Chrome Capture'.
What was your first impression of Coding and how was it changed?
- My first impression was hard and why would I want to code? Then it changed when I watched the video of how to code and why people code. So, now I know why people code and I know how to code a bit. Which is good I think...It's also pretty fun.
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